Return to Blogging

Watching the Summer Games from Rio this week brought back many pleasant Olympic memories. I was lucky enough to have served as a member of the US delegation to the Games in Athens in 2004 and in Beijing in 2008—in a managerial capacity, not a competitive one! 

My oldest Olympic memory goes back much further—to the Winter Olympics in Innsbruck in 1976 (can you remember that maniacal downhill by Franz Klammer?). I was a grad student completing an internship in Germany and went to Innsbruck by myself, with no tickets, no lodging and little money. It all worked out wonderfully and I was hooked.

One thing I remember from my weeks in China was that I was blogging every day. Never mind that there were many more fellow bloggers writing along with me in Beijing than there were readers of my daily entries back in the states. Two things stand out in my memory: the joy I got from favorable feedback (thanks, Mom!) and the pressure I felt when I rose every day knowing that in addition to performing all my assigned team tasks, I had to find something interesting enough to write about and the time to compose it.

Now that I am long-since retired from working in the Olympic movement and have committed myself to writing as a full time avocation, I find myself returning to blogging. I’m not going to lie and promise I will add contributions daily, or even weekly, but, hey, monthly ought to be easy, right? Ok, maybe bi-monthly.

With a couple of novels under my belt, though not yet published, it’s time that I begin to expand my network of readers and correspondents. I need the added pressure of self-imposed deadlines and the rush—and benefit—of reader feedback. Mom is no longer with us, so it’s up to you.  I hope you’ll stick around to read what I offer, tell me what you think and share with others if you’re willing.

Thanks. On your marks. Get set. Go!

in Beijing.jpg
David Yarborough1 Comment